Mazel Tov to Nissa Birnbaum of South Bend, IN and Aharon Levy of Woodmere, NY, YUConnects 300th!


Dear Friends,

We are excited to share our 300th engagement! What a milestone, b”h!

Mazel Tov to Nissa Birnbaum of South Bend, IN and Aharon Levy of Woodmere, NY.

Mindy Eisenman, our talented Staff Connector, has made yet another match! Interestingly, Nissa plays the cello and Aharon plays the flute. May their lives together continue to be filled with music!

Special mazel tov to Aharon’s mom, Chava Willig Levy, a devoted YUConnects Connector who spends many hours suggesting matches for others!

Wishing you a wonderful week,


Efrat Sobolofsky
Director, YUConnects

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