Widower of Dafna Meir Announces His Engagement A Year After His Wife’s Murder


Natan Meir, whose wife Dafna Meir was murdered by an Arab terrorist in their home in Otniel just over a year ago, announced that he is engaged to be married.

His daughter announced her own engagement just weeks prior.

Dafna Meir was just 39 years old when she was killed thirteen months ago by an Arab terrorist who broke into the Meir home. Meir, a hospital nurse, was stabbed to death in front of her young children.

Dafna had four children with Natan as well as two foster children.

Last month the Meir family celebrated the engagement of their oldest child, Renana.

Renana’s fiancé, Leiba Ohr, proposed to her on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Temple Mount.

On Monday Natan Meir announced that he too was engaged to be married.

In a Twitter post, Meir’s friend and neighbor, MK Yehuda Glick (Likud), congratulated Meir and his new fiancé, Zohar Morgenstern.

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