(VIDEO) MONDAY 10 AM: The free Tefillah For Shidduchim In Amuka On Tu B’Av And “Tu B’Av Together” Through Yad L’Achim

Thousands of people have already submitted their names for the tefillah (no cost) for shidduchim & all yeshuos in Amuka on Tu B’Av through Yad L’Achim (it’s free to join by CLICKING HERE or visiting www.TUBAVTOGETHER.com
In a special initiative called “Tu B’Av Together” on Monday August 7th at 10:00 AM EST a minyan of Talmidei Chachamim, representatives of Yad L’Achim will lead the Global Day of tefillah for shidduchim and all yeshuos in Amuka. They will daven for all those who submit their names for tefillah (no donation required) by CLICKING HERE. 
At the same time thousands of Jews from across the world will unite in tefillah by reciting tehillim 32,38,70,82,121,124,127,128 on Monday Aug 7th @10:am EST. As it says in Chazal (Bava Kama 92b) “Whoever davens for their friend and they are in need of the same request, they get answered first”. Let’s all daven together on Tu B’Av Together!
WATCH VIRAL VIDEOS HERE: Rabbis Eytan Feiner,  Warren Goldstein, Motte Frank, Dovid Goldwasser, Paysach Krohn, & Moe Mernick
As word of this initiative spreads, thousands of  Jews have already helped spread the word about Tu B’Av Together to their friends and family. To  help spread this initiative please tell your friends and family about “Tu B’Av Together”. Help make this viral!
Please Text / e-mail / message / tell your friends to visit WWW.TUBAVTOGETHER.COM
You can copy and paste this into the message

“Please ​forward​:

​V​isit WWW.TUBAVTOGETHER.COM for info & to join the Tefillah for Shidduchim (4 FREE) on Tu B’Av Monday Aug 7th @10am EST – Tehillim : 32,38,70,82,121,124,127,128 “
You can also create your own message, the most important thing is to spread the word! Tizku Lemitvos. 
(BTW… you can share the message of Tu B’Av Together via WhatsApp by CLICKING HERE – (try it and see what happens, it’s cool)

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