This Family Made the Most Hilarious Trump Themed Mishloach Manot


If we had to name the most popular Purim costume of the year it would have to be Donald Trump. With him being named the 45th President of the United States just months ago, being named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year, and just being all over the news for his outlandish statements and behavior, it was inevitable.

One family in Israel decided to go full throttle with the theme this year and not only did they dress up their two daughters as Donald Trump, they also themed their mishloach manot accordingly.

The notes read:

Make Purim Great Again!

This is terrific. The best mishloach manot ever. Believe us. Nobody does mishloach manot like we do mishloach manot. It’s just tremendous. It’s gonna win bigly. And we know. This basket is a good friend of ours. What? We’ve never seen this basket before in our lives. But it wouldn’t be bad if we were on good terms though, right? Have a fabulous Purim!

Included in your Make Purim Great Again basket:
Baby carrot Trump fingers. Unusually small. Dip in Russian dressing. Deny it.
Orange cupcake with yellow hair and red power tie.
Waffle wall. It’s big. It’s expensive. Don’t worry, someone else paid for it.
Other side of the waffle wall: Churros. Mexican delicacy with powdered sugar.

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