8.68 Million People in Israel

Child holds Israeli flag. Photo by Shutterstock.com

On eve of Independence Day, country’s population shows 1.9% growth over past year.


Israel’s population stands at approximately 8.68 million people, according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics.

The CBS reports that there are some 6.48 million Jewish residents (74.7 percent of the population), 1.81 million Arab residents (20.8%) and other residents who, according to the Interior Ministry’s Population Registry, are neither Jewish nor Arab (4.5%).

The report shows that Israel’s population grew 1.9%, or by 159,000 people, over the past year.

Since last Independence Day, 174,000 babies were born in Israel, 44,000 people died and 30,000 people immigrated.

The CBS publishes a population report in honor of Israel’s annual anniversary. This year, Israel is celebrating 69 years.


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Source: Israel21C

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