WATCH: This Woman Always Keeps Matzah in Her House Since the Siege of 1948


Noémi Schlosser is currently interviewing the ‘Youth of 1948’ the men and women who built the State of Israel. She travels with her camera across the country to talk to these men and women who were part of the Hagana and the Palmach, who survived the siege of Jerusalem and were working the land as kibbutznikim.

These interviews will be donated to the National Library of Jerusalem for archival purposes.

A new website will be created with photographic portraits by New York photographer AVIVA KLEIN, sharing with you their anecdotes from these historic times, seen from the kitchen, the refugee camp, the kibbutz, the battlefield and the coffee shops of Ben yehuda in Tel Aviv. The portraits will also be a travelling photo exhibit which will premiere 29 November 2017.

In the following video Yocheved Moshe tells the story of how food was scarce during the siege of 1948 and how ever since she always keeps matzot in the house.

Watch the video here:

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