Group of Baltimore Guys Head to Houston to Help Fellow Jews Recover from Devastation


The Following is VIA

On Friday afternoon, 9/1, Baltimore shuls Ohel Moshe and Shomrei sent out an email to their members asking for volunteers who could fly to Houston on Sunday and Monday and help with the relief effort for 2 days. 10 people responded that they could fly to Houston on Sunday morning and return on Monday night. 9 more people responded that they could fly to Houston on Monday morning and return on Tuesday night. Volunteers from Ohel Moshe & Shomrei coordinated group flights and 12 passenger.


At the relief center, they had a supply room, manned by volunteers who were giving out supplies to people in need and volunteer work groups. They also had a command center where they were coordinating the volunteers and sending them to various houses to help with tasks like demolition, packing, cleaning, and moving furniture. The relief center at Beren was also making meals for people who were affected by the flood and volunteers from out of town. Volunteer groups came from all over the world, literally. There were groups from Israel, San Diego, Dallas, New York, as well as local groups from areas not affected by the flood. Gil Horowitz also flew in with 2 of his children to lend a hand.
As we drove to Beren from the airport, the city looked pretty normal. Our local guide pointed out areas of the highway that were under water a week prior. Then, when we drive to our first job, the devastation was much more noticeable. Every home that was flooded had a huge pile of demolition garbage piled in front. There were huge piles of drywall, furniture, and flooring.

We went to our first house, and the homeowners had already ripped out the drywall and the floor.

The house smelled damp and moldy and we needed masks because of the fumes. The owner asked for help taking down heavy wooden doors that were even heavier because they were waterlogged up to the doorknobs. We also helped people pack their items into boxes, as they needed to move out of their homes for several months while they were being renovated. In addition, we helped remove flooring and drywall from several home, because the homeowners had just returned from out of town. Back at the HQ at Beren high school, we helped unload trucks, including the one from Seasons in Baltimore!!

Many thanks to the anonymous benefactors who covered the cost of our flights and van rental. We could not have done this without you. Likewise, we owe thanks to the people who donated to the fund that allowed us to purchase necessary tools. Group 2, who came on Monday, were dropped off at Reagan airport by Rabbi Soskill from Beth Tefiloh in their minibus early Monday morning and picked up from BWI at 12AM on Wednesday. Thanks to BT for making that available to us.

We were very grateful to the people who helped provide food, including Texas Kosher BBQ from Dallas and Southside Sandwich Shop from Lakewood. Our very own Fishel Gross of Offishel catering also came to help out on Tuesday. We also want to thank the gracious hosts who put us up on Sunday and Monday night. Likewise, we want to thank the coordinators at Beren who worked morning to night organizing the volunteer groups. Finally, we want to thank volunteers who organized the flight, found a rental van, and lead each of the groups during our trip.
What is going on in Houston now and what/how can you help?


Most of the city is back to normal and people are trying to get back into their daily routine, especially areas that were not flooded too bad.

Most of the affected areas already got most of the demolition work done and now they are packing things up and moving out so they can start rebuilding.
These areas need moving supplies (boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper). They also need trucks to move stuff into storage. These homes desperately need MoldX or similar mold prevention chemicals. They also need help packing and moving.
Some people could not get to their homes until this week. Those people are racing the clock to get the drywall and floors out before mold sets in.

These people need help with demolition. Many are elderly and cannot do the heavy work themselves. Most of the for profit crews are too busy and insurance has started paying yet. If you can go down there and help, that would be great.
Bottom line: supplies are flowing in pretty steadily. Some shortages I know of are packing boxes, packing paper, electric saws, and MoldX.

You can also send money. Much of the damage will be covered by mandatory flood insurance. However, some homeowners have damage in excess of their policies. Also, some things are not covered by flood insurance. In addition, many people need to find places to stay while their homes are being remediated. Many people also lost time from work or had to close their businesses for a week. If you cant donate your time, help purchase supplies for those who can.

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